Cast Bronze Gate Valve

WCB, A105, LCC, LF2, 20ГЛ, 20ГМЛ, SS304, SS321, SS316, SS316Ti
Manual, Electric, Pneumatic
Flange, Welded, Threaded
Water, steam, oil, chemical

GAIRUI Cast Bronze Gate Valves are designed and manufactured to ensuru leakage of less tjan 100 ppm(parts per million) of volatile organic compounds. Extensive base line laboratory testing (static and cycle testing) has been performed establishing critical design parameters necessary to achieve low emission sealing in the GAIRUI stem packing seal area and in the bonnet gasket sealing area, in-house testing procedure has been developed and is periodically performed to ensure that standard product design and manufacting criteria consistently result in the GAIRUI Cast Bronze Gate Valve meeting a maximum of 100ppm Voc leakage prior to shipment.

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